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Ahorro de energía y suficiencia energética

Move the individuals, the society and the economy towards the decarbonisation.

The global decarbonisation target is now on top of the agenda for every government and public institution. To meet this challenge, energy savings and energy sufficiency (i.e. consuming fewer services to effectively and directly reduce our carbon footprint) plays a key role. This implies a drastic evolution of individuals’ and society’s behaviour, together with a radical transformation of the economic model of energy sector.

To do so, policies must be set up with ambitious targets and short-term actions with measurable results. Enerdata and its partners are supporting their clients with services and custom solutions enabling to define, monitor, and evaluate the results of those policies. We provide our expertise and knowledge on energy transition too for specific studies and consulting.

For instance, we participated to the "Zero Net Emission Scenario" study, not only backed by data, but also determining individual behavioural profiles in terms of energy consumption patterns.

To grasp an idea as to where we stand today in terms of energy consumption and emissions, please read our Global Energy Trends report.

Our experts analyse and compare those figures with the decarbonisation and net-zero emissions target and give the possible pathways to meet this ambitious objective.

To get an in-depth look at the future of energy for strategic/business planning and policymaking: please, read our 2050 world energy scenarios publication.

Our experts provide analysis of energy demand, energy mix and penetration of renewables, as well as evolutions and challenges analysis according to climate constraints and technologies.


Three core teams:

  • Global Energy Forecasting
  • Energy Efficiency and Demand
  • Clean Tech


Involvement in the study "Zero Net Emission Scenario" from EPE

Hable con un experto

Nuestros expertos en energía y clima están a su disposición para hablar de sus retos y evaluar cómo podríamos apoyarle en el éxito de su proyecto.